Immigration to the UK and the methods of obtaining residency in the UK are discussed in detail in this article. The UK is one of the most popular countries for immigrants, including many Iranians seeking immigration. There are many questions about the methods of obtaining a residence permit in the UK; what is the easiest way to immigrate to the UK? Is it possible to immigrate to the UK through specialization? What is it like to immigrate to the UK and live in the UK? These are just some of the questions that will be answered below. The full description of the seven ways to immigrate to the UK is based on the latest legislation, such as asylum, education, marriage, birth, investment and company registration, employment, and so on. Hermes Group is ready to provide completely specialized and free immigration advice to the UK.

Immigration conditions to the UK

The UK is a member of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, which consists of four countries, and the UK is located in the southern half of the island of Great Britain. The UK is one of the most popular European countries for immigration and one of the few English-speaking countries in Europe. Among Iranians, immigration to the UK has many applicants. There are several ways to immigrate to this country, all of which can be divided into six general categories, which will be discussed in detail in the rest of this article. Many of you may be wondering what is the easiest and best way to go to the UK? Certainly, there is not a single answer to this question. Depending on the Applicant’s terms, one or more methods of obtaining residency in the UK may be recommended. So, to find the best way to immigrate to this country, you must first get acquainted with all the available methods and laws of the UK, and then choose the best method according to your personal circumstances. Stay tuned for more on this article and learn everything you need to know to choose the best immigration method.

Immigration to the UK through study

A Tier 4 visa or UK student visa is divided into two categories: Tier 4 General visa and Tier 4 Child visa. General Tier 4 visas are for people aged 17 and 6 months and older, and people under the age of 17 and 6 months can apply for a Tier 4 child visa. If you can get admission to a school, university, or college in the UK and master English language skills, you can apply for a Tier 4 visa.

According to the rules of the British Immigration Service, you must apply for a Tier 4 visa three months before the start of your semester. You will receive your visa response three weeks after the day you visit the embassy.

Part of the cost of immigration to the UK through study is received by the embassy to apply for a visa. To apply for a Tier 4 visa, you must pay 328 Pounds if you are applying from outside the UK. You also have to pay 328 Pounds per person. The insurance fee must also be paid. If you are applying for a student visa online, you will be able to pay the required amount by credit card for 30 minutes when you reach the payment section. If you are applying from the British Embassy, ​​you must bring the desired amount with you on the day of the embassy to pay.

Upon receipt, you will receive a letter entitled CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies), which must be submitted to the British Embassy along with other documents and a student visa application. This letter is valid for 6 months.

Note that the UK visa is of the scoring type and has 40 points for the General visa and 30 points for the Child visa. It is mandatory to obtain all the privileges to obtain a visa. The UK study visa rating is as follows:

Financing required for a UK study visa

10 points depend on a bank letter that you must obtain from one of the Parsian or Pasargad banks. In these first 10 points, a printout of the full and accurate account balance must be taken from the mentioned banks and placed in the file. If the applicant is under the age of 17 years and six months, he or she must apply for a Tier 4 child visa, and a bank print can be in the name of his or her parent or legal guardian, indicating that all student living expenses can be covered for 9 months. This amount must remain in the accounts one month before visiting the embassy, ​​and even one minute should not be less than the desired amount. This account must be short-lived. The amount varies depending on the city of London and other cities, with a total of around 1,280 Pounds per person and about 1,000 Pounds per month. The cost of living for 9 months should be in the account, so this amount should be multiplied by 9 and included in the account. In addition to the above amount, the applicant needs to show that he/she has paid the tuition fee or is in the account.

Language Certificate

The second 10 points belong to the IELTS Academic language certificate or equivalent, which is determined by the university. Note that the IELTS score is not required for applicants under the age of 17 and six months, so it is important to note that the Tier 4 child visa does not have a score of 40.

CAS Letter

The remaining 20 points are subject to a letter of acceptance called the CAS Letter. The issuance of this letter depends on the presentation of the IELTS degree and other documents required by the university. These documents usually include the following:

  • All academic records and credentials and their transcripts in high school and pre-university.
  • At least two letters of recommendation from university professors on university letterhead and stamped with the university seal and the signature of the professor.
  • Presentation of SOP or motivation letter, which should be written about your background and the reason for studying in the destination country.

Immigrating to the UK through work

To work in the UK, you must obtain a Tier 2 visa. The conditions for staying in the UK for Iranians through work are to have a work invitation from an employer in the UK. For people who decide to work in the UK from outside the EU, there are special rules set by the UK Office for Labor and Immigration. The job you are offered should be specialized and you cannot obtain a UK work visa through regular work. An employer who sends you a job offer (Job Offer) must also have a license from the Labor Office to hire a foreign workforce. You must submit your application to the British Embassy 3 months before starting work, usually after 3 weeks. The UK work visa is issued for a maximum of 5 years and 14 days, which you can renew for another 5 years.

Immigrating to the UK through investing and registering a company

You can already apply for a Tier 1 visa or an entrepreneurial visa in the UK. However, this type of visa is no longer offered and alternative methods have been introduced. There are currently three types of visas available for investment in the UK, which are described below.

Start-up Visa

To get a start-up visa in the UK, you need to come up with a creative and innovative business plan. The UK has a list of approved institutions, including universities or business centers that support entrepreneurship, that your business plan should be supported by. In addition, you must be fluent in English at level B2 and have at least 945 Pounds in your bank account in the last 90 days.

This type of visa is issued for 2 years and cannot be extended. You must change your visa to renew your stay.

Innovator Visa

To obtain an Innovator visa, you must also submit a creative plan that is approved by UK-approved institutions. You will also need to invest at least 50,000 Pounds in the UK to implement your plan. This visa is valid for 3 years and you can extend it for another 3 years. There is no limit to the number of times a visa can be extended. After 3 years of living in the UK, you can also obtain permanent residency in the UK.

Buy Government Bonds in the UK

It is also possible to obtain a residence permit in the UK by purchasing government bonds. There is no need to provide any business plan in this way. You have to invest 2 million Pounds in bonds to be able to get this type of residence. First, a 3-year residency is granted, which is extended for another 2 years. After living in the UK for 5 years, you can also obtain permanent residency in the UK.

Immigrating to the UK by child’s birth

Citizenship approaches through the birth of countries take two approaches. Limited countries in the world follow the right of soil. Under this right, every child born in that country acquires the citizenship of that country; in this case, the citizenship of the parents does not matter. Well-known countries that follow this right include Brazil, the United States, and Canada. But in the second approach, which is the right of blood, the place of birth of the baby does not matter. In fact, a child born acquires the citizenship of his parents. This means that a child acquires the citizenship of that country if at least one of the parents (or in some countries, such as Iran, the child’s father) has the citizenship of that country.

Birth laws in the UK have a history of following both approaches. Prior to January 1983, the country was subject to the right of soil, and any child born in the UK would automatically become a British citizen. From then on, the law changed to the right of blood, so that a child born in the UK could become a British citizen if he or she was at least one of the parents of a British citizen, or for a reasonable reason from the UK government. Be a permanent resident of the UK.


igrating to the UK through marriage

One way to immigrate to the UK is to marry a British citizen. In this article, we want to explain all the legal provisions mentioned on the British Government’s website on immigration to the UK through marriage to a British citizen.

If you are married to a British citizen or have a British partner, you can stay in the UK if you meet the following conditions:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You have normal personality and mental health conditions, for example, you can think healthily and decide with your own will.
  • If you have a positive personality trait, for example, you have no criminal record.
  • Be qualified to live in the UK and be culturally, economically, socially, and legally as well as fluent in English and able to speak English as a first language.
  • Your spouse must have a permanent residence card in the UK or have a type of UK residence permit. Also, the British government has not specified a date on which you had to leave the UK.
  • Your spouse has enough income to support both of you.

Immigrating to the UK through asylum

Usually, every year some people want to immigrate to the UK through asylum, so our advice to these people is to avoid this as the refugee process is dangerous and look for a better and more suitable way to immigrate to the UK. Because in addition to the dangers of this method, refugees will not be able to live well. The Geneva Convention provides a clear definition of asylum. Under the convention, people in refugee countries who are at risk of persecution or murder in their home country can be the cause of war, religious, sectarian tendencies, or membership in certain social or political groups. Therefore, not everyone can be considered a refugee. Unfortunately, in recent years, people who have resorted to lying have become refugees in European countries, and this has led to a negative view of refugees. Asylum seekers must apply for asylum with the UK Migration Board or the police upon arrival in the UK. Asylum seekers are kept in refugee camps to have their cases processed. They must leave the UK if their application is rejected.

Immigrating to the UK and the cost of living in the UK

The cost of living in the UK is another important issue to consider before migrating to the UK. The UK currency is the Pound, and in this section, the costs will be checked in Pounds. The cost of living in the UK can vary depending on your lifestyle, the city you live in, and the type of accommodation you have. For example, the capital city of London is more expensive than any other city. The table below lists the cost of some important items.

DescriptionCost (Pounds)
Meals at a regular restaurant12
Mineral water (0.33 liters)0.88
Milk (one liter)0.89
Rice (one kilo)1.3
Eggs (12 pieces)1.86
Apples (one kilo)1.79
Bananas (one kilo)1.02
Orange (one kilo)1.64
Tomatoes (one kilo)1.72
Potatoes (one kilo)1.15
One-way ticket (public transport)2.4
Taxi (one kilometer)1.71
Diesel (one liter)1.24
Club fee (monthly)29.49
One bedroom apartment for rent in the city center70
One bedroom apartment for rent around the city568
Three-bedroom apartment for rent in downtown1191
Three-bedroom apartment for rent around the city923
Buy an apartment in the city center (meters)3815
Buy an apartment around the city (meters)2826
Net monthly salary1789

Immigration to the UK and citizenship laws

Different methods of immigration to the UK were described, each of which led to British citizenship and citizenship under certain conditions. Of course, in none of these ways can people, like some Caribbean countries, get a UK passport right away. If you entered the UK through study, you will need to change your residency to another type of investment, such as investing, marriage, or employment, in order to become a British citizen. It is usually possible to obtain permanent residency in the UK after 8 to 10 years of residence, and to apply for UK citizenship and a passport within 2 years after obtaining permanent residency. In order to receive a British citizen, a person must not have committed a crime or been convicted. He must be able to support himself and not need government assistance. Fluency in English and English culture are also important.

Common questions about immigration to the UK

Where should I start to immigrate to the UK?

The first step to immigrating to the UK is to learn how to immigrate to the UK and choose the best option. Then you have to provide the conditions and documents of immigration based on the selected method.

What are the best ways to immigrate to the UK?

Of course, your personal circumstances are very important in choosing the best way to immigrate to the UK; but in general, a UK work visa, studying at a UK university, and investing in the UK are the best ways to immigrate to the UK.

What are the least expensive ways to immigrate to the UK?

Working in the UK is one of the least expensive ways to immigrate to the UK. Studying in the UK is also the second least expensive method.

Do we have to apply through an immigration lawyer to immigrate to the UK?

No. You can learn the rules of immigration to the UK by spending time. But of course, a lawyer can do your job more quickly and share his experiences with you.

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